Property tax and ground tax on Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean

Bonaire has 2 types of important taxes for homeowners: Property tax and ground tax. Depending on the personal situation of the owner you pay 1 of the 2 taxes, never both.
The property tax is a tax for homeowners of a 2nd house who rent the house out or live outside Bonaire.
The first US$ 70,000 of the value of second homes of homeowners (natural persons) is exempt, you pay no tax here.
The property tax rate is 0.8% on the value of the property. The value of the property (waardebeschikking) is valid for 5 years and given by the government of Bonaire.
There are also situations that are an exception concerning the property tax, more can be found on the site of the tax authorities.
In addition to the property tax, there is also the ground tax, the property tax is an island tax (charge) and applies only to owners who permanently inhabit the house itself. The rate for the ground tax currently stands at 0.345% of the value of the property.